Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


General: Yet another (final?) redesign

Hopefully this will be the last time I do this for a long time. I've re-worked the CSS template I was using and ended up completely trashing it in favor of this template that I found at Eris Free's site. She has a cool template generator that spit out the template pretty as you please. I had to make some slight modifications for personal look and feel but the design/layout is hers.

I think I went a little overboard with the buttons but once I started, I just couldn't stop myself. I went ahead and put up my IM info (hover over the appropriate button) on the off chance that a blogger game breaks out while I'm on, maybe someone will drop me a line.

Of course, catching up with email, with blogs, and redoing my template sucked up all my poker time tonight. I tried to explain to the wife how unfair it was that I was home all alone, ideal poker playing conditions, and haven't been able to log even one minute at the tables. Of course all I got back from her was some sass about how she's been busting her ass helping her friend paint her house, not to mention taking care of the boy. *shrug* I guess I'll have to find sympathy elsewhere, it's obvious she just doesn't understand.

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