Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Thursday, July 08, 2004


General: An Office Space moment

So here I sit this morning on pseudo-vacation and I'm catching up with email, tweaking my blog template, catching up on my blog reading and an email pops up on my work system from the customer who needs something fairly trivial done on their systems. In my hyper efficient fashion (ok, so there was nothing else going on may as well help someone) I bang out the requests real quick and go back to my otherwise low-key day. I then get an instant message from the project manager asking if I saw the email from the customer. No problem, I fill him in that it's all squared away and try to go back to my time wasting activities. I then get an instant message from the PMs manager asking if I saw the email. *sigh* The icing on the cake was my manager sending me an instant message just a little while ago asking if I had seen the email. I feel a TPS report nightmare coming.

Maybe I need a blog at work that I can post my status to and then I can just set my IM auto-responder to something pithy like: I'm not taking messages right now, if you're looking for status on something see my status-blog, if you don't find the answer to your question there, consider revising your question.

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