Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


General: Fan or Freak? Poker and Britney Spears

Ok, so I'm sitting here catching up on my blog reading from the last couple of days and "Crossroads" happens to be on in the background because I'm too lazy to change the channel and it doesn't disturb me enough to care. Now normally movies that feature musical stars are generally not very good ("Crossroads" is no exception to this rule). I suspect some older Elvis diehard fans might disagree with me, but we'll let that sleeping dog lay for now.

Anyway, the point of all this is that I am a fan of Britney Spears. Not in the 30 year old lustful stalker way, but oddly enough there are some of her songs that I do like. Ok, she's not hard on the eyes either so that doesn't hurt. Back to the point of this whole missive. Being that "Crossroads" was basically a vehicle for the album "Britney" they were playing the song "I'm not a girl, Not yet a woman" during one of the scenes. My mind is churning on my poker game and I've been kicking around some of the ideas from the books I've been reading. The song triggers a thought about HDouble's post awhile back on the stages of development. These lyrics from the song were the trigger:
Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize...
All I need is time
A moment that is mine
While I'm in between

It always amazes me the events, sounds, and sights that trigger memories.

In completely unrelated news, after being diagnosed by my doctor as having cholesterol for blood, I'm starting to adjust to the new diet and am shedding weight which is a pretty marked improvement over past self start attempts at a diet. Not being much of a fan of salt, I don't miss that at all. Sugar on the other hand is a completely different matter. I am sugars bitch. A diet is hard on a soul when your favorite food is Jelly Belly jelly beans. *sigh*

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