Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


General: Blogification

I'm torn on the idea of making one giant uber post every day, or the "as I think of them" posts when things come to me. An uber post would probably make life a little easier in terms of organizing my thoughts and hiding some of the noise from the signal here, but as Boy Genius noted in his blog, this is mostly for me and while I may seem schizophrenic with some of my past and present posts it good for me to recognize that my ideas are not static and that I'm not as hard headed as family and friends may believe and am willing to actually change my mind on a subject. Anyway, I'll keep plugging at it and you gentle reader, have the same choice you always have. To read, or not to read.

With the preamble out of the way, I just wanted to say, I was pretty hyped to see that I've received the esteemed Most Days Poker Nerd "Degenerate Underachiever Seal of Approval." *sniff* *wipe* I'd like to thank my laptop and the letter S. Of course this spun off the idle thought of, do the Webby Awards recognize blogs? The short answer is yes. Oddly enough, the blogger alternative Live Journal was the last Peoples Voice winner. The only obvious blog like nominee that I saw was Suicide Girls (Not work friendly, and if you're not familiar with the site, probably not for the reason you're thinking). In examining the 'categories' for the Webby Awards, it occurs to me that in most cases, they are much to broad and I don't envy the judges trying to decide the better of two sites that are both great and only generally related.

See what a random thought causes? Back to my reading.

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