Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Poker: Month in Review

Well, here we are at the end of June and in looking back over the month I can't be too unhappy. I played at Party, Paradise, and Ultimate Bet this month and made the move from all SnG play to working the $.50/$1 limit ring games. From a ring game perspective I spent the bulk of my time on Party, and in the last week Ultimate Bet.

The official Poker Tracker report reads:
Paradise/Ring: ($34.25)
Party/Ring: $64.91
Paradise/SnG: ($59.25)
Party/SnG: ($71.00)

What isn't reflected there is the gains in bonus collections so while the actual play didn't go over very well except on party, I was able to bring in over $400 in bonus cash. The plan for July is to refine my limit play and move up to $1/$2 once I've fully cleared my UB bonus and have $600 free and clear to invest in that effort. I'll continue to leverage poker room bonuses to build my bankroll or worst case, cover the losses while I adjust to $1/$2. The financial goal is to duplicate this last months gain so that I can move into $2/$4 about mid-August and ultimately $3/$6 by the end of the year.

Looking a little further back to the beginning of the year, when I started playing online, I've learned quite a bit. I think HDouble's post about the growth of a card player provides a fairly accurate view as far as I've gotten in my own growth. Speaking of which, I'd like to say thank you to the other poker bloggers who have provided humor, insight, and encouragement over the last few months. I owe much of my growth to learning lessons vicariously through your experiences as well as journaling my own thoughts and history.

There's been a few rumblings about a bloggers tournament and I'm anxious to see that actually come to fruition. If I knew how, I'd help fire it up. In the mean time, know that for whomever does get it going, count me in for playing. On a similar vein, has anyone thought about doing a private table type of event on party?

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