Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Poker: Gearing up for a new month

I finally got part of my bankroll moved over to party last night so I'm good to go on both Paradise and Party. Today marks a new month since I started keeping track of my stats and wins/losses so I'm going to be working over my bankroll status later today to better match what I had in mind for tracking my progress. I'm also in the process of writing an essay on my strategy for playing SNGs. Not much else to report right now, played a couple of 5+1 SNGs on party with a 2nd and 3rd result. One of the things to get used to there, and this may just be an anomoly since I don't have a lot of experience there yet, is the eagerness of the players to shove all their chips in. This isn't something I've seen a lot of on Paradise (not that people don't shove, just not at this frequency). Aw well, the change in play style keeps me on my toes and I will adapt and overcome.

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