Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Monday, June 21, 2004


General: The West Wing

I don't watch much television, but The West Wing is something I watch religiously. They recently wrapped up their 5th season and I have to say that all in all it was ok. That in and of itself is somewhat depressing because the seasons before it were phenomenal. This is even more underscored by the fact that I just finished re-watching season two on DVD. They've taken a relatively intense and intelligent show and turned it into 'blah' for the fifth season. I can only hope that the creative direction and feel of the show returns for what is likely to be one, or at most two, more seasons. While I like the quirky character of Bob Russell (Played by Gary Cole, as the VP) I don't think he really has the stage presence that Martin Sheen has as Jeb Bartlet (as POTUS). This leads me to believe that the end of the Bartlet presidency will be the end of the show, or perhaps there will be a comparable actor to step in and perhaps the show may take on a more republican bent by having Russell lose the election to a Republican challenger. *shrug* Just idle thoughts really. Like I said, I just finished watching the second season on DVD and thought I'd put some of my thoughts to pixel.

I'm in the process of writing an essay/guide on playing SNGs that will hopefully cement some of the habits I've picked up from experience or reading.

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