Sloe Times

A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


General: Streaks you don't want

So I have something called Ménière's Disease. The primary symptoms of this for me are fluctuating hearing loss and episodes of vertigo/dizziness. The later one is the real pain in the ass because you typically need to seek medical attention to resolve it. I get the sensation that I'm spinning, and it just doesn't stop. Imagine the worst instance of alcohol poisoning that you've ever experienced... spinning room, vomiting, etc... now imagine that it doesn't stop regardless of how much you purge. The annoying thing is that when the attacks come, they generally come in clusters. This last week or so has been one of those bad times so I really haven't been able to do much but hang out and wait for the next attack and sleep them off with the help of some Meclazine when they do come. The upside is that I hadn't had an attack in over a year prior to Friday so I'm looking forward to another long gap soon. Aw well, it used to be worse. The attacks also used to be accompanied by Tinnitus. Imagine a high pitched beep that never varies and goes on for hours and sometimes days to the point where you can think and focus on nothing else except for that noise. Knock on wood that hasn't occurred in some time either.

Anyway, all of this is to say that I've been out of it and will continue to be for a few more days yet.

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