A journal of my adventures in learning and growing personally and professionally
So now that I've crawled out from under my rock and actually looked around there are a lot of people with something to say about poker. Ok, so maybe that's not such a stretch given that r.g.p has been around for a long time but it has been a refreshing evening and morning to read so many other thoughts and opinions that occasionally match up with things that I've observed about the online poker play. Clearly I'm a newb in the sense that I've really only just begun playing online and just started to develop credible playing skill but I'd like to think that I'm better than average. Presuming I stick with this I'll be able convert some of my mental masturbation to some real analysis as I put thought to keyboard. In the mean time I'll keep playing, read more of the wealth of information that is out there, and maybe come up with some stuff of my own to contribute.